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Research & Scholarship

Members of our Division actively publish in peer-reviewed journals focused on terrorism and bias crimes, or are active collaborators at research centers across the country. Please see below for a detailed list of these journals grouped by topic area. If you would like guidance regarding a particular subject area, or would like to have your journal/center added to this list, please contact us.

* Journal is not peer-reviewed
+ Open source journal
† Hybrid (Subscription and open access)

Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression†
Combating Terrorism Exchange*+
Conflict & Communication Online*+
The Counter Terrorist Magazine*
Counter Terrorism & Security*
Counter Terrorist Trends & Analysis (CTTA)*+
Country Reports on Terrorism*+
Critical Studies on Terrorism
CTC Sentinel *+
Defence Against Terrorism Review*+
Disarmament Forum*+
Democracy and Security †
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways Toward Terrorism and Genocide
Homeland Security Affairs+
Homeland Security Review+
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
International Journal of Terrorism and Political Hot Spots*+
Journal of 9/11 Studies+
Journal of Homeland Security Education+
Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (JIPSS)
The Journal of International Security Affairs*+
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Journal of Strategic Security+
Journal of Terrorism Research +
Kriminalpolizei, Die+
Media, War & Conflict
Militant Leadership Monitor *
Perspectives on Terrorism +
Political violence against Americans *+
Security & Terrorism Research Bulletin *+
Small Wars & Insurgencies
Small Wars Journal*+
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Terrorism: An Electronic Journal and Knowledge Base +
Terrorism Monitor *+
Terrorism and Political Violence
UNISCI Discussion Papers+

Hate Crime Statistics +
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Trauma, Violence, and Abuse
Violence and Victims
Violence Against Women

Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education+
Columbia Journal of Gender & Law*
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy*+
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review
Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide*+
GLQ: A Journal of Gay & Lesbian Studies
IAMURE International Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
InterAlia: A Journal of Queer Studies +
International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies+
International Journal of Transgenderism†
Yearbook for the History of Homosexuality
Journal of Bisexuality†
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health†
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services†
Journal of GLBT Family Studies†
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling†
Journal of LGBT Youth†
Journal of Homosexuality†
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of Lesbian Studies†
Lambda Nordica+
LBGT Health
LBGTQ Policy Journal +
Psychology of Sexual Identity and Gender Diversity
QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
SGP: Sexuality, Gender, and Policy Journal (Policy Studies Organization) +
Transgender Health +
Transgender Studies Quarterly

Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice †
Journal of Race and Justice

Politics, Religion & Ideology

International/Global Security Issues
The Brown Journal of World Affairs
Conflict Management and Peace Science †
European Journal of Cultural Studies
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs+
Forum on Crime and Society+
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
Global Crime †
Global Media and Communication
Global Media Journal: Canadian Edition*+
Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition**
Global Security Studies+
Health Security
International Affairs
International Communication Gazette+
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice
International Journal of Conflict and Violence+
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Internationale Politik (IP) *+
International Review of Victimology
International Security
Joint Force Quarterly+
Journal of Applied Security Research†
Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Journal of Communication †
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication+
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Journal of Media Sociology+
Journal of Middle East Media+
Journal of Military Ethics
Journal of National Security, Law and Policy+
Journal of Peace Research
Middle East Media Educator+
The Middle East Quarterly+
Middle East Policy †
Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) +
Military Review
New Media and Mass Communication+
ORBIS – A Journal of World Affairs
Pakistan Journal of Criminology+
per Concordiam+
Policy Review+
Political Communication †
Radical History Review
The RUSI Journal
Security Dialogue
SIAK-Journal +
Strategic Insights*+
Third World Quarterly †
The Washington Quarterly †

Aggressive Behavior†
Aggression and Violent Behavior †
American Behavioral Scientist †
The American Journal of Psychiatry +
American Psychologist
American Sociological Review †
Annual Review of Sociology
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
The British Journal of Criminology
Crime and Delinquency
Crime, Law and Social Change
Crime Media Culture
Crime Prevention and Community Safety
Criminal Justice and Behavior +
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Criminology and Public Policy
Deviant Behavior †
European Journal of Criminology †
The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin*
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Harvard Journal of Law and Gender *+
Harvard Law Review
Journal of Applied Social Psychology †
Journal of Conflict Resolution
The Journal of Conflict Studies+
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Journal of Criminal Justice †
The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Poverty †
Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Journal of Social Issues
Justice Quarterly †
Law and Human Behavior
Law and Philosophy †
Law and Society Review
Police Quarterly
Political Psychology †
Psychology, Crime, and Law
Syracuse Journal of Legislation & Policy *
Social Justice
Social Problems
Social Science Quarterly †
Social Work
Sociological Perspectives
Stanford Law and Policy Review *
Theoretical Criminology †