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The Division on Terrorism and Bias Crimes (DTBC), part of the American Society of Criminology, seeks to advance the study of terrorism and bias crimes through rigorous research and evaluation, as well as fostering collaboration and networking.

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current leadership of the Division.
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Latest News
2024 Division Award Results
The DTBC is excited to announce the winners of the Student Paper Award, Early Career Impact Award, and Distinguished Scholar Award.
Student Paper Award
This year’s first place Student Paper Award recipient is Jack Wippell (The Ohio State University), and Tiana Gaudette (Michigan State University) has been awarded second place.
Early Career Impact Award
Our 2024 Early Career Impact Award recipient is Dr. Murat Haner (Arizona State University).
Distinguished Scholar Award
We are very happy to announce that Dr. Laura Dugan (The Ohio State University) is the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award.
Congratulations to all! Award winners will be recognized at the Division meeting during the American Society of Criminology’s 2024 Conference in San Francisco, CA.
2024 Executive Board Elections and Call for Award Nominations
Executive Board Elections
The Division on Terrorism and Bias Crimes is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for five executive board positions: DTBC Secretary/Treasurer, two Executive Counselors, and two non-voting student members. Please note that only members in good standing for the current year can run for office and vote in elections.
Please submit nominations HERE no later than August 20th, 2021.
Annual Awards
The Division on Terrorism and Bias Crimes is seeking nominations for its annual Distinguished Scholar Award, Student Paper Award, and Early Career Impact Award.
For information on each eligibility and submission for each award, click HERE.
All nominations and submissions for awards should be submitted no later than August 1, 2024.
Joint Webinar Series with DWCC – May 2024
The Division on Terrorism and Bias Crimes (DTBC) and White Collar and Corporate Crime (DWCC) are excited to announce a series of jointly hosted webinars.
Who: Members and individuals interested in terrorism, bias crime, and corporate crime.
What: Webinars on important topics relevant for professionals and students alike! The first two topics are (1) Internal and External Grant Funding and Applications, and (2) Preparing for a Successful ASC Conference.
Where: Zoom
When: Last Thursday of every third month at 10am Central time with the first two events held on (1) July 25, 2024 and (2) October 31, 2024.
RSVP: Required to attend – to register, complete the google form at this link: Google Form.
Details also available on the following PDF: Joint Webinar Series flyer
Member Update – January 2024
1. ASC (and DTBC) Membership Renewals: Many of you received an email from ASC reminding you to renew your membership in ASC (and associated Divisions). Good news is that ASC has continued your membership in this Division (unless you ask to be removed). Important news is that in order for our Division to be able to sponsor panels at ASC and grow, we need you to go online and renew your membership in both ASC and the Division. To do so, you just:
- Go to the Member Portal.
- Log in using your Username.
- Look for links to the Division Add-On Forms under the heading: Quick Links
- Click on the appropriate form (Active or Student). Your ASC membership dictates which of these forms are accessible to you. You may also use the Printer-Friendly version if you prefer to pay by check.
If you have any questions about your renewal, please contact Nicole Coldiron at
2. New NIJ Briefs on Radicalization: The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has released four briefs to help the field prevent and respond to radicalization and violent extremism. Each brief contains five critical facts based on recent NIJ-sponsored research, and may be relevant to your research or practice.
- Five Things About Individuals Who Engage in Violence Extremism and Similar Offenses tells us about identifying people at risk of committing these offenses, as well as strategies to help mitigate the risk of someone carrying out such acts.
- Five Things About the Role of the Internet and Social Media in Domestic Radicalization provides insight into how the internet and social media may both promote and prevent radicalization outcomes.
- Five Things About the Role of Social Networks in Domestic Radicalization provides insights into how social networks may either facilitate or prevent radicalization processes and disengagement efforts.
- Five Things About Community-Based Terrorism Prevention Programs shares how prevention programs can be designed and implemented at the community level and the most promising practices for addressing radicalized individuals before their ideologies manifest into violence.
3. Summary of NIJ Research on Domestic Terrorism: At the same time, several DTBC members contributed to a summary piece regarding NIJ-sponsored research on Domestic Terrorism. It contains a number of important findings resulting from the sponsored research over the past 10 years, and may be relevant to your own research, practice, or teaching.